

Work Smarter with E-Gov Link Asset Management

An abundant amount of responsibility falls upon our local governments to keep our communities in good shape. We know it’s our local governments working behind the scenes to maintain parks, shelters, ball fields, local events and so much more. Maintaining community assets, such as beautiful parks, takes manpower and expensive tools to get the job done. And with all the vast services governments offer and the variety of departments and staff pitching in to keep things running, it can quickly become a complication to keep track of and manage. E-Gov Link helps local governments get the most out of today's technology by simplifying Asset Management. 

Brag About Your Parks & Rec Services!

Now Is A Great Time To Highlight Your Parks & Rec Services! There’s nothing like the seasons first walk in the park! Most of us look forward to it! Behind the scenes, much time and energy is spent keeping community parks and public services up to par. Now is a great time to promote that hard work, connect with your community and build trust and a sense of pride! Here are some ways you can highlight your Parks & Rec Services:

EMS Sign Post – A Calm Voice In A Time Of Crisis

Community health is a critical municipal service! Emergency preparedness increases efficiency and effectiveness in times of need. EMS Sign Post provides first responders access to critical patient information when it’s needed most. At the time of an emergency, first responders can scan a QR code or Near Field Chip device, and quickly access critical information needed to help the initial assessment and diagnosis of the patient. See how it works.....

Please Your Public And Your Staff

Extend the power of your Citizen Request Management Solution! E-Gov Link’s advanced CRM features allow you to provide more user-friendly tools to the citizen. And having all your requests funnel through your CRM allows you to leverage increased efficiencies internally. A wealth of information and reporting capabilities can be made available to you on demand. The ability to measure and track workflow highlights opportunities to improve processes internally.

You Can Improve Your Workflow While Improving Citizen Service!

Local governments serve many diverse roles for their community and are constantly challenged with the duty of doing so efficiently. Citizens look to their local government as a source of information and service support across a wide range of needs. The volume and assortment of daily citizen request can take a toll on staff. Some examples of these request include Request for information, such as Freedom of Information Concerned citizens reporting potholes or powerlines down Citizens reporting sidewalk repair needed or high grass Request for block parties, streets closed Reports of building code violations Business or zoning inquiries Tree maintenance Water service request It requires a significant amount of time to manually navigate through these citizen request and in turn direct to the correct internal employees. These requests can quickly become cumbersome to manage, resolve and track. Without a good system in place turnaround time is prolonged and staff time [...]

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