Most Popular E-Gov Features

  • Citizen Request Management (CRM)—Citizens can make suggestions, request information or request service at their convenience. Provides complete internal request management system for tracking and reporting. Staff can use to record phone requests or internal requests as well.
  • Calendar—Community calendar allowing multiple categories, links to documents and websites, and key-word event search.
  • Documents—Centralized document repository with content search feature. Makes it easy to find desired documents.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)—Create searchable FAQ knowledgebase. Include links to documents or web pages with added information. Citizen can “ask a question” with CRM request if answer not available. Staff can turn answer into a new FAQ for continuous enhancement.
  • Email Subscriptions—Public can sign up online to receive emails on topics of interest to them. Staff can see how many users are signed up for each list. Emails sent can be saved for review and re-use.
  • ParksLink—A complete Recreation Management System
  • PermitsLink—E-Gov PermitsLink gives you an easy way to manage your building permits and provide online access to citizens to view permit progress.

Additional E-Gov Features Available

  • Available Property Listings—Allows public users to view a list of available properties with characteristics (size, zoning, etc.,) that you define. Integrated Google map allows users to see where the properties are located. Different types of properties can be flagged with different color map points. Each property can have documents, plans, pictures, etc. attached to it. If available from Google, they can also see the street view—it’s like being there without the travel.
  • Local Business ListingsPromote local businesses by providing a searchable list online. Google map integration and other features similar to above. Separate details page for each business.
  • Mapable Databases—Set up other databases (points of interest, accident locations, etc.) each with its own set of characteristics and maps. Each database counts as a separate feature for pricing.
  • Payments—Public can pay online for various payment types the City will specify.
  • Job Postings—Job-seekers can see and respond to job openings and sign-up to be automatically notified when new jobs are posted.
  • Bid Postings—Suppliers can see bids by category and sub-category and sign-up to be automatically notified when new bids are posted.
  • Advanced Bids—Requires suppliers to register in order to download detailed specifications, so staff can tell who accesses bid documents. Allows bids to be electronically uploaded. Requires Bid Postings.
  • Staff Directory—Display searchable, hierarchical staff directory so the public can identify and contact appropriate departments or staff members.
  • Multiple Calendars—Allows unlimited different public and internal calendars. Requires Calendar.
  • Hidden Document Folders—Set up folders that only appear for authorized users with login. Requires Documents.
  • News Scroller—Create news items that can appear on your website (requires website coding).

Advanced CRM Features Available

  • Problem Location Tracking—We pre-load all valid addresses in your city, so citizens and staff can quickly determine if reported issue is in your jurisdiction. Search on streets or addresses to identify recurring issues. Use custom field to identify neighborhoods or districts.
  • Request Mapping—Create maps to see locations of selected requests. Requires Location Tracking.
  • Form Letters—Merge data collected in CRM forms with standard “boilerplate” text to create standardized emails or letters. Example: code enforcement non-compliance letters.
  • Survey Export—Create citizen surveys using CRM forms and export to Excel for analysis.
  • File Uploads—Add attachments to CRM requests to create a “paperless” system.
  • Administrative Only Fields—CRM requests can include fields not visible to public, so you can manage and track additional information about each request.
  • Reminder Scheduling—Staff can set reminder emails to be automatically sent to selected individuals at selected times. Use for setting reminders for follow-ups.
  • Sub-Status Reporting—Create more specific sub-status types for each CRM status, so you can manage requests at a more detailed level.
  • Code Sections—Track and report violations by code section and incorporate into Form Letters.

Ready to Talk?

 Improve Citizen Service And Save Staff Time With E-Gov Features!

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