Community health is a critical municipal service!

Emergency preparedness increases efficiency and effectiveness in times of need. EMS Sign Post provides first responders access to critical patient information when it’s needed most.

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At the time of an emergency, first responders can scan a QR code or Near Field Chip device, and quickly access critical information needed to help the initial assessment and diagnosis of the patient.

How it works

  • Citizens pre-load their critical medical information into a secure database.
  • Should an emergency call arise, first responders can securely access the patients’ medical information through means of a QR code or an NFC tag.
  • The critical patient facts are immediately retrieved and displayed on a cell phone or tablet of the EMS professional, providing potentially life-saving information at the time of the emergency.
  • The access codes can be stored in a central place in the home, for example as a magnet on the refrigerator, and can be attached as a card on a keychain.

Provide your citizens more efficient and effective emergency services.

Important questions EMS Sign Post can answer 

  • Is there a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order in place?
  • What medical conditions and recent diagnoses has the patient had?
  • Who are the Emergency Contacts?
  • Who is the patient’s doctor and preferred medical facility?
  • What medications has this patient taken?

 Benefits of EMS Sign Post

  • Better care for your citizens in the event of an emergency
  • Personal Health Manager for citizens – all health information in one place
  • Easily managed and easy to keep up-to-date
  • Information won’t be misplaced, no need for a mad scramble for paperwork
  • Citizens can be sent reminders to keep information up-to-date
  • Build trust in your community by offering EMS Sign Post as a free service

E-Gov Link is more than just a website design & development provider, we partner
with you to Build A Stronger Link To Your Community!

Create a more user-friendly experience
Provide residents more self-service options
Save staff time & increase productivity
Phone: 513-591-7363

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