megaphone by website

WordPress now offers a plug-in that integrates with Amazon Polly to give your website a
real human sounding voice!

So, what is Amazon Polly you ask?

Amazon Polly is a cloud service that converts text into lifelike speech. There are over 47 voices available, both male and female, and 30 languages. Learn more and listen to a demonstration by following this link:

Listen to Amazon Polly.

Applications for local governments

  • The text to voice option is a significant advantage in terms of ADA compliance.
  • Providing the option for audio in addition to text gives the user a hands-free option allowing them to multi task, share content in a group setting or just obtain the information they seek audibly if they prefer.
  • Simplifying access to content on your website improves the level of service you can provide for your community and extends the power of your website.
  • If you have a blog on your website or post community news and events, you can give a voice to this content and improve the way you engage with your community.
  • Improve the esthetic quality of your website, not just visually, but also audibly. The robot computer voice is becoming a thing of the past. Bring your website up to date with a voice with personality!
  • On-going applications will continue to be recognized as A.I. intelligence advances to become main-stream and continues to get smarter and smarter. Be on the forefront of this movement!
  • Enable content to be accessible through pod-cast. Staff and citizens can review agendas and minutes while on their evening jog, or on their drive home.


Amazon Polly continues to become more sophisticated offering customized features such as whispers, timbre effects and dynamic range compression. Amazon Polly can recognize the proper use of a word in its sentence. For example, it knows how to pronounce the word live, whether it be in a sentence such as, “We all strive to live meaningful lives”, or “Find a schedule for live local events on our blog post”.

Easy to Install 

As with all WordPress plug-ins, installation is relatively quick and painless. Our E-Gov team is staffed with experts in WordPress integration and can guide you through the process.


Contact an E-Gov Link representative today to learn more!


E-Gov Link is more than just a website design & development provider, we partner with you to Build A Stronger Link To Your Community!

Create a more user-friendly experience
Provide residents more self-service options
Save staff time & increase productivity

Phone: 513-591-7363

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