PermitsLink Summary
Enter Permits
- Select permit from list of available types
- Select contacts from existing database or add others. Contact types include Applicant, Owner, Architect (if applicable), Contractor (contractor info includes certifications)
- Enter specifications (based on permit type). Includes information needed for fee calculations, reviews and inspections
- Upload plans and other documents to store on System
Manage Reviews
- System will set reviews needed, based on permit type. City can add others.
- System will alert reviewers that a new permit request has been received that will need their attention
- Reviewers can record comments (internal and external) and review status into system and indicate if added reviews are needed
- Review status viewable online
Manage Inspections
- System will set inspections needed, based on permit type. City can add others.
- City can enter inspection requests into system and schedule
- System will alert inspectors when a new inspection has been scheduled that will need their attention. They can print list of their inspections (or all inspections) scheduled
- Inspectors can record comments (internal and external) and inspection status into system and indicate if added inspections are needed
- Inspection status viewable online
Compute and Collect Fees
- System will automatically calculate fees (including upfront fees), based on information provided combined with stored data and formulas
- City can record fee payments
Print Permits, Certificates, and Reports
- System can print out permits and other documents
- When final inspection is passed and all fees are collected, system can print Certificates of Completion and Occupancy.
- Authorized users can view or print reports
Easy Implementation
- Application hosted by E-Gov Link, so no added hardware or software is needed, just PCs with Internet access
- City can manage users and access rights of each user using simple interface screen
- The public view of the Application incorporates the City’s banner and colors
- The City can add links from its website to the public view of the Application